1 : 1 coaching: starting out

or encore career

Do you want less stress, more well-being and greater satisfaction?

Are you ready to be pro-active about your future?

Design thinking is a way to consciously and intentionally build a life you love.

It is a mindset including:

Embrace the process—It is not a quick fix or a pre-determined formula

Collaborate —Feedback, new ideas, support and accountability are benefits of working with others

Be Curious—Ask questions that clarify or point you in new directions

Experiment—Try new things to test your ideas

Reframe—Look at problems from different perspectives

Positive Intention—Readiness, desire and motivation are key factors in determining success.

We will go through a series of steps and exercises to determine where you are and where you have the potential to go. We will find creative ways to achieve change. We will brainstorm, try things out and iterate. We will design, test and implement our plans. We will evaluate our results and apply the changes to our lives.

Are you stuck or uncertain about your future?

Do you feel ready for a change, but not sure where to start?

Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing but aren’t ready to say it out loud?

I coach wise, courageous, resourceful women to realize their full potential as they navigate life’s many phases.

As your coach I am a compassionate, honest advocate for your transformation. I encourage curiosity, and a desire to grow, learn and reflect.

Together we will discover your new and exciting possibilities through the process of Design Thinking.